Friday, September 18, 2009

Static Free Kitting

Kitting is an invaluable service that warehouses provide for organizations that need to have materials assembled and shipped to customers. This service is essential to companies that do not have the resources to set up a kitting and distribution center. The kitting of electronics does require a different level of over site, because damage can occur in manners other than dropping or smashing. Electronics can be damaged if they are not protected from electromagnetic static.

Undoubtedly, it is difficult to monitor the handling of electronic material from the supplier, but once the shipment arrives to receiving, you have control of how the product is handled. Fortunately, there are electrostatic dissipative that can help with protecting the products from damage once they arrive to your location.

Assuming that the electronic components have arrived unscathed from the supplier, it then becomes your organizations responsibility to ensure that the kitting process continues in a safe effective manner.

Safeguards include:
· Training your employees the proper manner for handling
· Keeping the appropriate wrapping on the product until ready for assembly
· Use of grounding clamps or static wrist straps
· The use of static electricity meters
· Using anti-static bags, foam bubbles, dry packaging, or sheets
· Anti-static gloves
· Having available specific static control stations

Essential to assembling and shipping electronic instruments, circuit boards, components, film, medical devices, and more is training your employees and using the proper procedures and equipment.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

One of the issues with outsourcing kitting activities is giving up partial control of your operations. The key to overcoming this obstacle is to establish effective communication with your vendor to maintain a high QA program.
