Saturday, December 12, 2009

Authentic UPC Codes

Use the right UPC codes for its intended purpose. First, determine the type of code that you require. The code you purchase is determined by the need. For instance, The GTIN Global Trade Item Number is used for items or services that are bought or sold. These are products that requires a price, can be ordered, or require an invoice at any point within the supply chain. The bar code is linked to pre-determined information about the item within a global network.

The SSCC Serial Shipping Container Codes is used for tagging items that are used for transport and storage within the supply chain.

The GLN Global Location Number is used to identify the physical location and legal entity associated with the product. This type of coding helps to improve communications. This system is integrated with the Global Data Synchronization Network.

Important to all this is to purchase a UPC code that that is issued by a legal sources known as the GS1. Once bought, the UPC code is your asset and can be reused as needed. It is valid worldwide. Because a UPC code is a unique code, it is registered with the Global Trade Item Number Registry, which is the GEPIR Global Electronic Party Information Register: a database that contains information on over a million companies in over a 100 countries.

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