Friday, April 3, 2009

Stretch Wrap Your Freight for Fast and Efficient Storage and Delivery

The use of palletization is widely used by distributors to prepare freight for shipping. There are alternatives such as strapping and using containers, but those methods have significant drawbacks. Strapping does not work as well on pallets that are oddly shaped and containers can be a waste of space if not completely filled resulting in higher and wasted shipping expenses.

The other alternative is the use of stretch wrap or film, which is made of a polypropylene. This film can be easily applied by hand or the use of semi-automatic or fully automatic high-speed stretch wrap machines. Hand wrapping only allows for a 25% stretch capacity. The use of a high-speed pre-stretch system can allow up to a 300% stretch capacity, which will help control shipping weight.

The use of stretch film provides a moisture barrier that strapping or boxing along does not. It is practical for irregularly shaped pallets up to two tons and 25 feet wide. It is light weight, puncture resistant, can be applied quickly and efficiently using a high-powered fully automated machine, and keeps freight dry and secure. Rather than operators having to move freight manually freight in smaller increments, it is possible for driver operators to automatically move and store large quantities of freight quickly using forklifts without the worry that the pallet will fall apart during the storage process.

Once the freight arrives to its destination, the wrap is easily removed and disposed of except for a bit of dust. There is a wide variety of options in wrap density, size, weight, length, and clinging capacity. The use of the proper equipment based on productivity, space, need, and capacity will ultimately save you shipping time, space, efficiency, and speed up shipping freight to market.



AAlbright said...

Thanks for the info.

Unknown said...

Dixiepac ensures you the highest quality stretch wrap packaging for your items.
If you’re looking for a good quality stretch wrap for your particular application, Call us at 800-765-4161 or send an email at

Dixiepac is a service-oriented industrial and commercial packaging professionals representing the best brands in the industry situated in Alabama, United States.
