Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Employee Recognition - Lower Turnover

It is no secret that an employee, who perceives that their employer cares about them, is happier. Although, each individual has their own idea of what makes him or her happy, the concept really is the same. Now, that does not mean handing out money. It means that you, as an employer, show employee appreciation.

Throwing money at a problem is not always the answer. Often, when an employer makes a counter offer to an individual that plans to leave a company, the solution is short lived. Money puts a bandage on a problem. It does not always fix it, because ultimately, the problem has not been resolved that causes someone to want to depart in the first place.

Do not get me wrong. Employee compensation, benefits, and perks are as important as ever, but they are not everything when it comes to feeling a sense of fulfillment and contentment at work. This can manifest in any number of forms, such as acknowledging someone’s hard work and accomplishments; saying “thank you”, treating people with respect and courtesy, even providing plastic utensils and coffee in the company kitchen shows consideration for the well being of the employee. Some companies go as far as providing groceries for breakfast and lunch. By supplementing groceries, employees get a financial boost as well as feeling as if they are a valued asset to the organization.

Employee appreciation comes in many forms, so be mindful of the small things that can make a big difference in the comfort and welfare if your employees, whether that is offering flextime or a holiday bonuses. The benefits ultimately manifest themselves in happier employees, few employee relations problems, lower turnover, and higher productivity.

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